How to Cook the Best Muthokoi

Muthokoi is very popular among the Akamba tribe. It refers to:           a) Dry maize whose husks have been removed           b) A cooked mixture of this maize with peas/beans Making muthokoi takes a few hours and the process starts by boiling the maize with the peas/beans. It is then cooked with vegetables like onions, potatoes, cabbages,  cowpeas leaves or pumpkin leaves; the […]

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Boiled only beef/chicken stew

Considering that today most of us eat unhealthy foods compared to our grandparents and great-grandparents, I think it is good that we try as much as possible to reduce our intake of these foods.I don’t like using a lot of cooking fat or oil when cooking, although some dishes require it especially those that have to be dip-fried. Lately, I […]

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