How to Cook the Best Muthokoi

Muthokoi is very popular among the Akamba tribe. It refers to:           a) Dry maize whose husks have been removed           b) A cooked mixture of this maize with peas/beans Making muthokoi takes a few hours and the process starts by boiling the maize with the peas/beans. It is then cooked with vegetables like onions, potatoes, cabbages,  cowpeas leaves or pumpkin leaves; the […]

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Simple Bean Stew

This bean recipe is simple and does not take a long time to prepare after the initial boiling of the beans. It can be used for any type of beans whether pinto beans, black beans or any other. Boiling can take between an hour and two depending on the type of beans. Ingredients: 1 cup boiled beans Cooking oil 1 […]

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